All residents at Hare Krishna Valley have dedicated their lives to practicing the process of Bhakti Yoga, and are happy to share their experiences and realisations with all of our guests.

Along with her husband Keshava, she has been integral in developing Hare Krishna Valley into a role model spiritual community for the betterment of humanity. She is passionate about cow protection, organic gardening and eco living, and demonstrating a positive example of a sustainable lifestyle.

Our agricultural manager can be found out on the farm each day taking care of the cows, planting crops and taking care of the general maintenance of the property. Being a ‘jack of all trades’, he enjoys sharing his knowledge with others and teaching them his various skills.

Maggie – Along with her husband Manigriva, she assists in caring for Hare Krishna Valley’s cows and bulls. She is busy bringing up her young son Nimai, and is passionate about living an alternative spiritual lifestyle by promoting natural alternatives to this modern industrialised world.