
This week, we continued with our renovation work of our new temple. Bhaktin Julia, one of our new devotees, has been working hard re-upholstering Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasasana, and should have it finished soon. We moved our Deities Sri Sri Gaura Nitai into their new temple room on their temporary altar. Although it is simple for the time being, we are feeling enthused with the progress.


To reciprocate, the Deities sent our biggest crowd for our monthly Sunday feast programme since we have been at Hare Krishna Valley. In total, there were 70 of us in attendance including devotees and guests. We enjoyed an esctatic kirtana, in which everyone danced and chanted in great esctacy. We then had a lively discussion and finished with a nectarian feast. Those who came for the first time said they would surely come again!

We look forward to speaking to you again next week.
Until then, I remain yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada.
Kesava dasa.